Forest of Dean
Our range of Local History books reflects our own deep interest in the Forest of Dean in West Gloucestershire and its history. Indeed, our first ever book, published in 1994, was Edwardian Dean in Colour. Based on the Edwardian colour postcards issued by Tilleys of Ledbury, it presents a vivid portrait of the Dean how it was 100 years ago.Since then the range has been expanded and now includes a number of important titles, including A Forest Beat (the history of policing and police stations in the Dean) and Blood on Coal (the story of the Forest Coalfield during the 1926 General Strike).
We have also published completely revised and updated editions of three of the most sought after out-of-print books on the region : The Free Miners, The Commoners of Dean and The Verderers & Forest Laws of Dean,all written and revised by Dr Cyril Hart, and thus they remain the standard works of reference on their subjects.
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Details of new and forthcoming titles are announced in our News section at the appropriate time.