Archive Issue 89

Archive Issue 89
64 pages. 275x215mm. .
ISSN 1352-7991 89
64 pages. 275x215mm. .
ISSN 1352-7991 89
Contents: Northern United Colliery: In Memoriam by Ian Pope, p3; Cutty Sark by Patricia O’Driscoll, p17; Radcliffe Power Station, the ‘Automatic Railways’ and the Electric ‘Crane’ by Paul Jackson, p25; Inbye : Archive’s letters page, p41; In the Showroom : Burney Streamline by Malcolm Bobbitt, p43; The Institute : Archive’s reviews, p49; From Purfleet to Grays by Andrew Neale, p51; Commercial Corner, p60; Old Leeds Locomotives: Miscellaneous Locomotives and a Follow-Up by Paul Gittins, p63

Archive Issue 89 - Sample Images

From: Northern United Colliery Taken in the early 1960s this view of the screens shows the changing face of coal transport. Comparison with the view at the top of page 10 shows that a siding has been put in for land sales – local sales to coal merchants – enabling them to drive their lorries alongside for loading. It would also appear that lorries are being loaded directly under the screens. The wagons standing on the landsales siding are lettered NCB so would have been internal user wagons destined to shuttle between the screens and the siding.

From: Cutty Sark In the dry-dock before the water was pumped out.