Skinners Garden

30 August 1842  to Samuel Preest, William Preest and Isaac Preest, all of Bream Woodside, for a pit in equal undivided parts situate at Skinners Garden, near Brookall Ditch, about 100 yards from Russell's Inclosure fence and near the ditch which runs to Park End Furnaces to get the coal from the Coleford High Delf and all unalloted veins above it.

F3 536
2 September 1887  Grantley Preest, Louise Preest, both of Bream, and James James, solicitor of Lydney representatives of Samuel Preest.  Time for opening gale, granted July 1882, had expired.

8 July 1891  deakin applying for grant of land near Castlemain Pits for use in connection with Skinners Garden 'Will be required for sidings when our arrangements are complete for developing the deep-gales'.  Land behind Parkend House.  To be used as grazing land for ponies meanwhile.

13 December 1897  Not commenced working.
Gale was bought in an attempt to gain large area of deep gales 'some thousands of pounds' spent.  Effort not successful and we relinquish other gales.

To be surrendered 30 August 1898, postponed until 25 November.