Grove Engine

1841 Philip Morse of Yorkley to two sixteenth parts and one undivided thirty-second part, John Morse of Yorkley to seven sixteenth parts and one thirty-second part, William Cook two sixteenth parts and one thirty-second part, William Packer one sixteenth part, David Davies one sixteenth part and one thirty-second part and Richard Morse to the remaining one sixteenth part to Independent or Grove Engine.

c1847  P. Morse & Co.

F3 603 & 604
15 January 1891  John James Joynes of Whitecroft applied for a regrant

11 December 1915  J.J. Joynes, Lydbrook, requiring land for surface plant and loading bank.  Pit existed.
Grove Colliery Co.
J.J> Joynes, senior partner, E.A. Worthy & W.S. Jones

25 June 1925  Notice to surrender 10 December.  Withdrawn

9 June 1926  Notice to surrender 10 December.  Withdrawn

8 June 1927  Notice to surrender

825 applications for re-grant

Grove Engine or Six Bells Pit  170 yards E.N.E. of Whitecroft station working the Brazilly and some No Coal.